Zoning Basics


Zoning Resolutions can be a bit hard to find.  They are located on the Zoning Department’s webpage: https://jeffersoncountytn.gov/zoning/

If you look at the Zoning Resolutions, make sure that you also look at the Resolutions listed separately on the same page. They are additions to the Zoning Resolutions that are not included in the overall “Zoning Resolutions” document.  I can’t explain why – you will have to ask the Zoning Office.

If you open the Zoning Resolutions, and find the Table of Contents, don’t worry that it starts with Article 8.  Those pages were just copied backwards.  Go to the next page to find Articles 1-7.

Articles 1-5, 8, and 12 are the things the lawyers require.

If we compare the Resolutions to a meal, Article 6 would be an appetizer, Article 7 would be the recipe and Article 9 would be the main meal.

Article 10 is the bill at the end of the meal.  And Article 11 is what to do if you have a complaint.

I like to go right to the main event, so let’s start our education with Article 9.  Article 9 is a list of all the uses allowed in each zone.  Toward the end of each section are the words that generally strike terror or delight (depending on your point of view) into the hearts of residents and developers.  Those words are:

Uses Prohibited. Any item not specifically noted above, unless the Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals deems a proposed use similar to a type listed above.” The Jefferson County Board of Appeals is an unelected board made up of five mayoral appointments.

These are the zones of Jefferson County:

A-1: Agricultural-Forestry

R-1: Rural Residential/Resort

R-2: High Density Residential

RR: Rural Residential/Resort

C-1: Neighborhood Commercial

C-2: General Commercial

I-1: Industrial

I-2: Environmental Industrial

I-3: Cryptocurrency Mining Facilities Industrial

There is also a Special Flood Hazard District – F1. It’s an overlay associated with any one of the above districts that is deemed to be in a Flood Zone and sets additional requirements.

The A-1 and I-1 zones have been the most controversial lately, so let’s go over them first.