County Commission – new Zoning Resolution


Coming Monday, April 8 is the following proposed Zoning Resolution. It will create a new C-3 Wholesale and Warehouse Commercial District.

Here is the text of the resolution:

Jefferson County, Tennessee
Board of Commissioners



Commission Prime Sponsor: Austin Brooks
Commission Co-Sponsor: Marcus Reed, Jim Snodgrass, Rob Blevins, Ransom Douglas, Janet Norton, Terry Dockery, Heidi Thomas, Katy Huffaker and Ronny Coleman

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 13-7-105 authorizes county legislative bodies to amend their zoning resolutions; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Jefferson County (hereinafter referred to as the “CLB”) desires to submit certain amendments to the Jefferson County Zoning Resolution (hereinafter referred to as “Zoning Resolution”) to the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “JCRPC”) for their consideration and approval or denial; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 13-7-105 requires that amendments to the Zoning Resolution be first submitted to the JCRPC for approval, disapproval or suggestions; 

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, Tennessee (“CLB”), meeting in regular session on the 15th day of April, 2024, as follows:

Section 1:  Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §13-7-105, the CLB submits to the JCRPC for disapproval or approval the following proposed amendments to the Zoning Resolution:    

A new section in Article 9, Section 9.8a- C-3, Wholesale and Warehouse Commercial District, which states:  

9.8a C-3, Wholesale and Warehouse Commercial District. The intent of this district is to provide for wholesaling, warehousing, and storage. Establishments within this district should focus on supportive uses to both industrial and residential needs and should act as a buffer between more intense and less intense land uses. Consideration should be given to the relationship of this district to the surrounding land uses and the adequacy of the street system to

serve the anticipated traffic needs. This district should be established in accordance with the Goals, Objectives, Policies, and Development Criteria of the Urban Growth Plan and Land Use Plan (Comprehensive Plan).
A. Permitted Uses: To achieve the intent of this district, the following uses are permitted:
1.   Wholesale establishment, wholesale establishment with warehouses, storage, and warehousing.
2.   Shops of special trade and general contractors.
3.   Machine shops.
4.   Garden centers.
5.  Automobile service stations.
6.   Major or minor automobile and truck repair.
7.   Office/warehouse facilities.
B. Prohibited Uses: All uses other those listed as permitted uses shall be prohibited. The uses below are prohibited in this zoning district The uses listed below are provided for illustration purposes and for the purpose of limiting permitted uses and are not intended to be a total listing of all the uses that are prohibited.
1.   Heavy manufacturing, heavy assembling, compounding, packaging, bottling, processing, and other industrial uses.
2.   Refuse dumps, landfills, transfer stations, and incinerators.

  1. Smelting plants, asphalt plants, chemical plants, and solar or wind energy systems.
    4.   The above-or below-ground storage of any flammable material in gaseous form, including compressed natural gas.
    5.  Value-added processing and product sales, slaughterhouses, and custom slaughterhouses.
  2. Adult oriented businesses and methadone/pain management facilities.
    C.    Minimum Lot Size – Two (2) Acres.
    D.  Minimum Lot Frontage – Two hundred (200) feet.
    E. Minimum Building Setbacks:
  3. Principal building/structure: Front – sixty (60) feet; Rear – twenty (20) feet; Side – fifty (50) feet, provided that a setback of one hundred (100) feet is required from any lot line for which there is a dwelling unit located on the adjoining property.
  4. Accessory building: Not permitted in front yards. Must be located fifty (50) feet from side property lines and twenty (20) feet from rear property line, provided that a setback of one hundred (100) feet is required from any lot line for which there is a dwelling unit located on the adjoining property.
    F.  Maximum structure size: Combined principal and accessory building – ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
    G.   Buffer Strip: A buffer strip (as defined in Article 5) is required on both side property lines; a buffer strip also is required on the rear property line, if there is a dwelling unit located on the adjoining property.